Saturday 2 April 2016

Here comes the benefit of running over 1,000 windows 3.1 games on your browser... see the top list

with over 1,500 application available on windows 3.1 brought to you by the internet Archive you can now play amazing games with some bound to kick in the nostalgia.
Part of the non-profit's mission is to preserve access to digital technology that would otherwise get lost on its own. The website says "libraries exist to preserve society's cultural artefacts and to provide access to them". And the Internet Archive wants to be a Web-only version of the same
Right away this is the list of top ten most played among them;

  1. Ski Free - Ski while avoiding rocks and trees
  2. Wheel of Fortune - Spin, spin, spin!
  3. Monopoly Deluxe - American version, sadly
  4. Bang! Bang! - Like Pocket Tanks, but with cannons only
  5. SimEarth - SimCity for the entire planet
  6. Solitaire XXX - You know what Solitaire is, right?
  7. Missile Attack! - The fire rises
  8. JezzBall - Who said building a wall wasn't fun?
  9. Risk - Time to conquer the world
  10. WinTrek - Phasers! Photon torpedoes!

    Hope you will enjoy your weekend with these amazing games!

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