Saturday, 2 April 2016

Apple fighting to take off the Iphone unlocking case out of Court ASAP

If you aren't already aware, the current case involves Justice Department's request to force Apple to extract data from a locked iPhone that the government agency wants to investigate. The device in question is an iOS 7-powered iPhone 5s, meaning Apple is capable of what the agency wants, but is reluctant fearing that doing so will tarnish the trust between the company and its customers.
In a newly submitted letter, Apple has argued that the government is planning to make similar requests in future, so it's important for both parties to know what the court thinks, and that too without any further delay - the case has been dragging on for nearly 3 months now.

"Apple takes no position on whether and to what extent information from the Apple device in the government’s possession is relevant to any ongoing investigation, or necessary for the criminal defendant’s sentencing. But Apple has received additional requests similar to the one underlying the case before this Court. Apple has also been advised that the government intends to continue to invoke the All Writs Act in this and other districts in an attempt to require Apple to assist in bypassing the security of other Apple devices in the government’s possession," the company said in its letter.

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